
It's two days after Thanksgiving. We brought all the food north this year. Once home, we threw a leftover party for friends. The dining table is covered in unwashed crystal, and there are things to be done throughout the house. I could take down glass pumpkins and put up Christmas. Instead, I go for a walk. 

I make turkey and cranberry sandwiches and pack a bottle of J Vineyards J Cuvee 20 Brut NV. We walk for a while, then lay out our blanket and breath in the quite afternoon. Rain is coming. We can tell. I'm grateful for that and for the way we linger despite the approaching clouds.

Recipe note: To make my cranberry sauce extra sandwich worthy, here's what I do... To the most basic sauce recipe, I add a good amount of lemon zest and a tablespoon of chopped, fresh rosemary.
